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sorry to keep going on about this. I know you probably don't even care but I like to keep you all informed because of how much support you provide for my whole channel.
I have decided to keep the live streaming just for Patreon and on the odd occasion do them on my channel.
Instead I will be posting unreleased videos and rough cuts/bloopers. My swearing bloopers will still be shared here as they can't go on YouTube anyway.
By unreleased vids I mean videos I make but never post. I know I post those here as a bonus. There will still be bonus vids here that aren't seen anywhere else.
Tier perks remain the same. Over on YouTube membership content will be what YouTube accepts.
It isn't live yet.
I am not telling you this so you join either. I am telling you this so no one thinks I'm abandoning you all here.
I love you all. I appreciate everything you do for me and the opportunities you have helped me receive! 🥰



We know you would never abandon us, Jodie 🥰🤣Sounds like you get a sweet deal no matter where you choose to pledge your support ☺

David Heyduk

I think that sounds perfect. This gives the Youtubers a real taste of the Patreon experience!