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I am in desperate need of a PC because my laptop just struggles too much with all I have going on. The USB port is loose now so my hard drive keeps disconnecting through renders with the slightest movement. It's so frustrating. I am trying to save for a PC and was wondering if everyone thinks this one would be ok or any advice you have for me.
Thank you 🤗


OcUK Gaming Hoplite - AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Gaming PC

Product information: The OcUK Gaming Hoplite is a strong, forceful gaming PC at an unbelievable price point! Featuring a selection of the best gaming graphics cards currently available.


David Heyduk

I'm not an expert by any means, but I think those specs will give you all the power and speed you need, and then some! Editing will be SO much easier!


Ok, any advice is needed because I literally have no idea what any of it means of does 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly anything will be better by the sounds of what you have now. This will be enough for you to edit and render! In my opinion it’s a tad pricey but it’s definitely enough for what you want from it!


since it's got the supporting chipset I would recommending over clocking ram to 3200mhz your amd chip will thank you. Not sure about price though seems a bit high though. But that could just be exchange rate.


Is there something cheaper that would work for me because honestly I have no idea 🤣🤣


$1656 its says when I convert it but things are expensive here 🤣🤣 especially technology. My bank account won't thank me. But my brain and heart might


It’s not bad and will do what you need although the hard drive is tiny at 250g and I’d get the 32g of ram since you want to edit. You can always add a new hard drive or use external so not the end of the world. Let me see if I can price you out one in the UK when I actually wake up lol. I’ve been building my own PCs for almost 20 years now. Ryzen is a great chipset as it performs great and it’s cheaper than intel. Nvidia just came out with their 3000 series graphic cards that literally cut prices in half. It’s a great time to build.


I would definitely shop around though if looking at pre-built. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/ Very easy to use website, just you would have to put it together yourself going this route.


Someone else put the one I posted together for me because I literally have no idea but he also has no idea what I do 🤣 where my Patreon have a better idea


I'm certainly no expert, but the specs look pretty good here, though as someone mentioned the hard drive is a bit small(an external hd would probably be a good idea). I kind of wish I'd seen some of this advice before I got my last PC🤣I ended up having to add more memory, added an ssd(my old hard drive is now a secondary drive), and upgraded the graphics card...at least now my PC isn't a paperweight 🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣 thats what I mean its probably best to make sure it's perfect so I don't have to faff


It's a solid build for the price, especially being prebuilt. Cheaper to build yourself but, if you're not looking to dabble in that, this is a good choice. My personal opinion, the AIO water coolers are not my thing, as you can't tell if the pump failed visually, you'll be able to notice it if you're running a temp monitor to show your cpu temp. Obviously it's something that won't fail new right away, just something to keep an eye out for down the line.


I would increase the Hard Drive size personally considers how large video files can be. I’d get a daily large external hard drive as well as back-up.


Okay, so the system you posted would fit your needs, and you would likely be happy with it. BUT, I'm going to be THAT guy, and post a list of parts I slapped together from pcpartpicker that would be $200 cheaper than the pre-built you listed, while having a much more powerful Graphics Processing Unit (important for video editing), increased storage space in both drives, and a more energy efficient and reliable power supply. It would require some assembly, but these days putting a computer together is as easy as legos, and there are tons of youtube video guides on the subject. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Estraven/saved/#view=jhyyK8 It would also be possible to save about $80 on the windows OS by buying through a key reseller. Heck, I might have a spare windows activation key lying around I could just give you. Let me know. Likely there are some other PC enthusiasts here who could pick this list apart. I welcome your criticisms.


Oh gosh thank you so much. You are so kind to take the time. I'm still doing some research and playing around myself but these are really useful. Thank you ☺🤗


While I appreciate this may not be the most helpful answer, what does your needs will depend on what software you're using - knowing that would help with deciding which components should be prioritised. I'll happily look into it if you can share your workflow. I suspect going to and SSD, if you aren't already using one, would be the biggest speedup, just on loading times, and having plenty of ram, but it'll also depend on what you want the pc to do/be. A NAS may also be a useful thing to have, as that can sit next to your router as general storage, but may be slower than a portable harddrive depending on how it's connected to your computer. /End textwall ...