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So I have been talking to other creators and realised how much my videos kinda suck on a stats point of view.
I know numbers aren't important but if you think of it from a creators point of view. I spend 2-3hours making a 20-30 min video from prep through to final piece. Its a lot of time to only have average views of 3 minutes. Now I am not complaining please don't get this wrong! I LOVE YOU ALL honestly. I thoroughly enjoy making and creating but I would like to get some feedback from those who support me most. On how my videos could become more watchable, more relaxing and enjoyable. I really appreciate you 🤗🥰



Hi Jodie, does this account for when people listen with screen turned off? I'm not sure how the stats work

David Heyduk

I will think about this one and get back to you. It's so hard to believe that is the average view time!!!


Yeah I don't mention stats a lot tbh I don't check alot but I think I owe it to my subs and Patreog to see what I can do to make it more interesting you know. Like I said I'm not disappointed I love what I'm doing I just want to be more effective in the community


That average view time does seem low🤔I know this may not be a big part of it, but if someone has a YouTube premium subscription, they can actually watch videos offline, so I wonder if that could skew the numbers. Also, it's possible that some people just watch a little bit at a time. You're actually one of the few creators where I usually just sit and watch the whole video straight through. The app usually saves your place in whatever video you're watching, so they almost encourage it in a way. But you should know, your videos are PHENOMENAL! I will definitely try to offer some advice if I can, but I guess if you can see a breakdown, like which videos have higher average view time, I'd probably start there.


Add some more non-talking content. Easier to fall asleep to and more likely something people might keep running in the background so they can simply enjoy relaxing sounds while doing other things.


Premium support is still a click logged in or not they still can physically click and watch the video. Yeah I get not everyone can stop what they are doing to watch my video 🤣🤣 but compared to others I am doing something not quite good enough


Also, my hunch is that the average view time among your Patreogs is probably higher than your YouTube crew, so this might be a good question for your community page...you could get a few more points of view from more casual viewers, and those are really the people you're trying to sway☺


🤣🤣 I can do that but so many of my long listeners, listen because of rambles but that's only a few that I know of there are others I never hear from so don't really know everyone preference


What did the other creators say or suggest. They may have encountered the same problems.

Ben Tango

No expertise on YouTube stats and analytics, but you have some of the most interesting, diverse concepts and not always obvious what you're getting from the title (esp casual viewers). I love and am wowed by the mystery/surprise aspect and pure creativity, but some might click in to see what it is and maybe not be able or desiring to watch the whole thing if it wasn't what they are expecting. Many asmr creators seem to prescribe every trigger you will see in the title... so people know what they are going to get but get fewer creative surprises than yours. I wouldn't change but you deserve to want these videos to pay off and it is the only thing I can think of.


Thank you very much. It is much appreciated and im not complaining at all I know I have a tremendous amount of support more than I ever imagined I would just like to make sure im creating good content so it makes it worth while!


The strange thing is the titles with more about the video get less views 🤣🤣 Thank you though I really do appreciate your input maybe I should create titled thumbnails would that be an interest?

Almond Glazed Sunrise

I can't believe that's the average view time. That's the average view count for me. I'm not an expert either but I wonder if random trigger videos get longer view times. I prefer one trigger per video myself but who knows. I guess it's like finding 20 gifts under the Christmas tree. If they're all labeled, you'll go for the one gift that says TOYS and leave the other nineteen that says SOCKS, SHIRT, ONE PIECE BUNNY SUIT alone. But if they're not labeled, you're opening every gift. I dunno.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think those examples are the best you could have chose


Ok. I know some ASMR artists have a particular genre they do for their audience. Whether they be role play, mouth sounds, meditation, whispers, self care, personal attention, hypnotic, ear noms, etc. Casual viewers or people who may discover your videos from recommends might be skimming through to see what they like. Sometimes people may have attention deficit and cannot commit for too long in one sitting. Sometimes people may get turned off by something, it happens. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I enjoy a lot of your content but it might be worth a try at asking your audience on what they enjoy. Some people prefer some talking and others may prefer no talking. I think when you develop a connection with the artist you want to get to know them better and enjoy hearing their rambles. First time viewers most likely judge by your performance and are learning what you’re all about. There is a lot of competition, so it helps if you know your audience and can grab their attention from the start. There are lots of times when ASMRists that I happen to follow upload around the same time of each other and speaking for myself, when you’re committing your time to a 20+ minute video, you are going to gravitate towards choosing whatever your more personal preference is. For me it all boils down to the genre, artist and quality. Is the content what I am interested? Do I feel a connection with the artist? Do I have enough confidence in the quality, based on their track record, it will be top notch and I know I will be more than satisfied from the experience? If I feel that way then I am more than happy to devote my time to their content. 😊


Yeah I completely get that! That's why I'm asking is there something that stands out that maybe my quality isn't as good so they don't trust me enough to get them to sleep or feel comforted


Have you tried looking at how your videos differ from your own averages? If you've got some videos that are much lower or higher than your average view times, that'd be a good spot to look for improvements. Low view times imply something went wrong, high times are things you should look towards doing more of. Also look at number of views. If you can get someone viewing but can't get them to stick around, then that probably implies they liked the title or such, but weren't impressed with the content.


Ok thank you. ☺ has anything inparticular stood out to you personally?


I think you should be careful about reading too much into this number. Imagine someone who doesn't usually watch ASMR decides to try one of your videos because of the title or thumbnail or whatever. They watch for a minute and get bored (because they don't get/enjoy ASMR), and go do something else. I think it's a good thing that you got the person to try it for a minute rather than skip it entirely - but it does hurt your viewtime average. There's also not much you can do about people clicking in based on the thumbnail thinking it's a how-to cosplay or a vlog or ... y'know, whatever youtube thinks ASMR based on how much it gets demonetized 🙄. I sadly have trouble finding time to enjoy a whole ASMR video these days, but I'm here supporting you because I enjoy what I do get time to watch, and I appreciate the time and work you put in, and it's comforting just to see you still out here creating and doing okay 🥰.


Yeah I completely get that. I'm sure other asmr artists have this also though and they still have better watch time. I am not focused on it at all I hardly check it. I just wanted to check more so that I am not missing something for you all. My quality is ok and the types of videos I do are ok. Ya know


I like feather tickling.


If its an overall average could it not just be down to people scrolling on YouTube? My phone often plays videos I've had on the screen without clicking on them just for me to scroll through. But they end up in my watch history.


It is a factor but its not the problem. Otherwise others would have the same problem

William Turner

I’m a big fan of your soft spoken voice, it’s very relaxing and your more posh accent is well done. I also am a huge fan of your regular, no affect voice. Some people are just blessed with a nice sound! After a while of following a creator I like a few videos that ramble about the persons life. It can be as easy as reading stories or facts off of a list, but a numbered list or answering a quiz might hold interest because people want to learn something either about you or about the world. I think of ASMR as a substitute for conversation and getting to know someone, so it means I will personally listen longer if I am invested in the creator. I really wouldn’t know numbers wise what gets views. Which creators did you speak to?

Scott Andrew

In my non-expert opinion, I think that people gravitate to those artists based on a few things- looks, roleplay, and then triggers. ASMR is still kind of a newer thing that people are getting used to. Just like me when I started watching videos and following artists, I think I had a different expectation as to what ASMR really was. I truly believe I now understand it and have a lot more appreciation for the artists and what they are trying to provide. I think people just start to watch a video because of what the person looks like, as opposed to the triggers the artist is focusing on. Maybe that is why the numbers seem lower. Maybe focusing more on certain triggers and a bit less of the roleplay scenarios? Obviously I am not an artist and have no experience with this. Just my opinion. You do a great job and it is a shame more people don’t spend enough time watching you and learning about those triggers that you focus on. Lots of rambling, hope some of it make sense!


My thoughts: I'm no expert but youtube's algorithms don't make a lot of sense to me. Maybe it's sending viewers to you that aren't a good match for your content? How are your other stats and do they point to growth? Do some of your videos seem to hold on to viewers better than others and, if so, what's different? Is there a similarity between the artists your comparing with? You've probably already asked these questions but they were my first thoughts. You put a lot of thought and effort into your videos and it shows. I appreciate your work (hence my sub 😊).


Thanks Mike, appreciated The video that do best are kissing videos and noms obviously but they get demonotized then mess up my algorithim with youtube. Maybe my content is too varied but if that the case I zone really want to change that because I really enjoy doing different things


o agree with jamesd89, a lot of viewers might be scrolling through your videos, looking for certain content, ie sexy role play etc. and when they find out it isn't there, they quit and go on to someone else.this wouldn't be any sort of criticism, just not what they are looking for. i think as you provide a varied amount of content, and good as it is, you really can not keep an audience, that either does not wnat to be there, or does not like what they are seeing or hearing. people are very fickle, and as you have nearly 300 patreons, you must be doing something right.


Yeah I am very happy with how things are going. I was not complaining in the slightest, I just wanted to see if I could do more for those that do support me. ☺


I’ve had a think about this and I think it might be that your roleplays are maybe a little too you. I think they’re great, but a lot of people will use generic search terms like “asmr shave” or “asmr cranial nerve” so maybe you could do some more generic roleplays to try and hook some of that search terms. Or do a couple of collabs with bigger ASMRtists.


🤣 A little too me? Some of my roleplays were requests. I have done shaving videos so do you mean my titles need simplifying or just only do those types of roleplays? My medical Roleplays don't really do that well either compared to others.


That wasn’t a complaint, I think they’re great. Maybe the titles could be simplified a little bit and then the extra information could be put in the description. I mean “a whisper of death, smoke and mirrors” is a great title but it doesn’t tell you exactly what the video is about at a glance like “posh criminal interrogates you.”


That did decent though! In views better than most my roleplays