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GRWM! What a transformation



If I had to do all that in the morning, I'd just stay home all day. Actually, I do nothing to get ready and I still stay home all day. Also, you look cute with your hair slicked back. Enjoy your day.


Another fantastic GRWM, Jodie ☺You've really become quite the master at doing your eyes, and those tricky wings 😁And who knew so much was involved in wig application? I just assumed you had to brush your hair back, slap on a cap, the wig, the use some Bobby pins to hold it on🤔🤣now I know better ☺And I love the lipstick color choice here...it compliments your hair perfectly, and you look absolutely gorgeous 😍love the adorable headband, too☺And you finally have an appt. for hair and nails? Reunited with Ricky at last😁You must be thrilled 🥰


This was really fascinating to watch, Jodie. 😯 Thank you for this! You look marvellous 🥰👌


do your mates or family ever text or call and say omg we saw this girl who is the double of you in town only she has long black hair she is literally your twin we are freaked out !! just a thought ?? it would freak me out !! you look lovely by the way 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Jokes Lucy and Eden are incredible but if you know they knew it before so no chance of surprise 🤣🤣

Scott Andrew

Wow, what a process. You did a great job! Should meet hubby at the door in that look and see what he says! :)

David Heyduk

You are totally rocking that look, Jodie!! 😊😊