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Everyone on the sleep sweetly tier it may have kicked you all off I have no idea so if you see this message you may have to join again tomorrow from the 1st May . Anyone on that tier please let me know if you can see this. Thank you and sorry



I see it


Thank you. You may need to re activate tomorrow anyone that is still interested in being a sleep sweetly Patreon

Scott Andrew

I am not sure where I stand. I just updated to the $15 per month tier. I did see the post. Love xoxo


For the standard sleep sweetly yier for the 4 exclusives its $7 now so just depends why you want our of patreon really ☺🤗

David Heyduk

I saw this message, and then I went in and signed up for Monthly Moments. Was slightly confused for a sec but I figured it out. 😂


Tried to change subscription, but it says monthly moments is sold out. :(


I can only have a certain amount in that tier as that tier get a sound clip or written letter and I might not have time to do lots of them so 5 is my limit at the moment