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This is for a collaboration -
So it may seem like I'm doing a lot of collaboration work but I will try not to let it disrupt my normal uploads so lots more content to come 🤣🤣.
HELP ME OUT! with your faves



If we're talking about a standard British accent, "perfect", and "spectacular". If we're including the Black Country accent, then definitely "water" ☺

David Heyduk

I love how Brits say "helicopter" 🤣🤣🤣


how about: vitamin, garage, massage, privacy😄


i like the first three😄 quite different in pronunciation

David Heyduk

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Here are a few actual British words I think might be triggers: bloke, crumpet, telly. In terms of just the accent, a few good ones are "bitter", "comprehensive", "collected", "water".

David Heyduk

And since we are talking about British words and phrases, I just have to mention the funniest one ever, "spotted dick" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ive never been keen that myself but I've always wanted to be just i could say oh I love spotted dick but I never get the pleasure 🤣🤣🤣


I'd love to hear you say plagiarism in your black country accent


🕵️‍♂️Ah, Ms Jodie Marie! You do know the British pronunciation, ... yes?😄


Apologies,market,motorbike these would be good....


I thought really hard, but I can't come up with individual words. I really just want to just hear you sing "Portabello Road" from Bedknobs and Broomsticks!

Max Powers

Aluminum, pish-posh, advertisement, dynasty, mobile, Mr. Prime Minister, bollocks


Thank you. I will have to do a swearing one for patreon if that's an interest of some people because I cant swear on youtube but I like the word bollocks myself haha

David Heyduk

Haha I was going to suggest bollocks when I made my requests but decided not to! So I will throw in "tosser" as a suggestion for the swearing one LOL.