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Just sending Notification again in case anyone missed it ☺.
Again youtubes finest thumbnail.
I have come to the decision that these are the below changes. That are to happen as of next month. What you see below is guaranteed content. I love to create so there will probably be much more.

Tier changes
Tender Tingles $3 - 1 exclusive nom video + 1 GRWM + behind the scenes + access to a discord (Not yet Ready)

Sleep Sweetly $7 - 4 exclusive ASMR videos + Bonuses

Monthly Moments $15 - Request a written letter or a Personalised Sound clip if you would like both I am happy to discuss options.
MUST be requested in a reasonable amount of time get access to below bonuses
Anytime from the 1st to the 15th giving me time at the end for any new comers.

Relaxation remedy - $50 custom video access to everything on Sleep Sweetly and Tender Tingles tier.
MUST be requested in a reasonable amount of time.
Anytime from the 1st to the 15th giving me time at the end for any new comers

Breathtaking Bundle $100 - 30 minute custom video access to everything below. MUST be Requested in reasonable amount of time. Anytime from the 1st to the 15th giving me time at the end for any new comers.
If you wish to have both options on Monthly Moment I am happy to discuss options.

I will no longer be keeping the $1 Daily Dreams. Its not been there long and I understand this may be upsetting for those who have chosen to support me that way.

However Patreon have advised me to higher the price of that tier as after fees its not beneficial to us creators. That may sound selfish of me but I didn't originally have a $1 tier and if I was to higher the price of that tier. I would just be ripping you off because the benefits aren't worth it so weighing the options I'm being as middle ground as I can.

Secondly I am loosing the slight sounds tier as you can see above and merging it with the written letter option. More info below

Sleep sweetly $15 is the one that will benefit the most as that tier will be dropping to $7 per month for four exclusives plus bonuses.

Now written whispers and slight sounds is going to be called Monthly Moment as now you can choose between a letter or a personalised sound clip. This tier will also have access to sleep sweetly $7 which was never an option before so that's a massive bonus. Still get perks from Tender Tingles $3 too.
If you are interested in both letter and sound clip I will happily discuss these options with you. The reason for the change in price is that custom content takes more time.

No changes to the $50 tier. You still get a 20 min custom access to sleep sweetly $7 and Tender Tingles $3

Breathtaking bundle you still get a 30 min video and access to the below tiers the only difference is you will have to choose between a letter and sound clip if you are interested in both a letter and a sound clip im happy to discuss the options.

I know that these changes may disappoint a few people but I hope you can see the improvement it will make. Its certainly more organised. Let me know your thoughts.
Thank you for being here. I truly appreciate all your support and can't thank you enough for giving me this opportunity to just have fun creating and interacting. I know im hopeless at times and I dont get everything right. I try my best and I love this community so much more than you could ever imagine!!
You Patreogs are the power behind my whispers, the magic behind the tingles and the hunger in the noms 😉 had to include a little silliess.
Lots of love 🤗🥰


Changes to my Patreon


David Heyduk

Totally understand it all, Jodie! Thanks so much for the update. You are so transparent with us! I appreciate absolutely everything you do. 😊🤗


Sounds perfectly reasonable, thanks for the heads-up. :)


I can get it so it's ok


This was very well explained, Jodie ☺I totally get scrapping the $1 tier. If someone was going to join there, 2 extra dollars isn't much more, less than a cappuccino 😊And all of your changes seem very reasonable...that Sleep sweetly tier is a sweet deal🥰And you consistently overdeliver, so we're spoiled every month as it is😊Also, it's always a treat hearing your normal voice 🤗And hello Boris at the end...unless it was Ralph🤣


It was Boris 🤣🤣. Thank you im am glad you are ok with the changes. Thank you for your support


Im so sorry I understand you only recently joined and I appreciate your support. This month isn't over yet and there will be much for you to enjoy until then if you decide to leave at the end. It has been lovely speaking to you and having you here 🤗


Of course your my Patreogs and I'm only doing so well because of all of your support. I want to be as honest as possible


Hey I'm not going to leave I found you and you help me with your videos so I'm staying because I love them and I love you and I like our little talk and I hope we can become friends one day because I really want to get to know you better as a friend


🤗 I am so very Grateful for all the love I receive


I hope so but fore now goodnight and I'll read ya tomorrow ,😘

David Heyduk

The fact you recorded a 20 minute video just to accompany what you wrote us is a perfect example of why we love and appreciate you!


🕵️‍♂️I understand the changes you've made. I support your decisions and I'm pleased to be your patron! Thank you Jodie Marie🥰

Cory Towner

It’s nice to see the sleep sweetly drop in price but I’ll be sticking to the $15 just for that little extra support.


Yeah, these changes are fine. I was already in the 15 dollar tier so I may as well stay there.

Levar Pendleton

Understanding of the changes. Thank you for all that you do Jodie you'll still have my support no matter what. 🙂👍💯