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I have put a bit of weight over the year and as much as I dont mind it kinda looks a bit flabby so I'm working on toning while we are stuck in doors im just dedicating sometime to excersize. I will take daily photos to see if there is much improvement and if I get confident enough I will post them.
This is just posed well. The others of a more straight stance you can see what I'm talking about. But this is just a beginner pic 🤗




Ok, stop being silly about looking flabby, Jodie! You look absolutely gorgeous, very fit😍If anything, you're an "after" pic☺


You are gonna say that but I'm not as toned as I used to be


Well we all have a healthy weight range, and you appear to be right in yours, Jodie ☺You definitely still look like you could go out and crush a 5k😁


Good luck!


Still fishing for clues to those stories 😉😂

Scott Andrew

But you are still really pretty Jodie! We all need to tone up!


You're both pretty AND healthy, Jodie...very inspiring☺

Scott Andrew

I am sure you are trying! Hang in there!

Scott Andrew

Jodie, we love you no matter what you look like. It is all about what is in the inside. I am glad you are focusing on getting fit and healthy. This is a good time for that.

David Heyduk

Jodie, good for you!!! 👍👍👍 I know you will get to where you want to be. We're behind you! Also, that's a gorgeous pic ☺☺


My wishes for you are to be healthy and to be happy!

Bryan Allen

Good for you Jodie. This is the perfect time to work out.

Bryan Allen

Exactly! I, myself need to improve my endurance; but I can't really go outside and run at the moment. 😔


Look at you! You're going to be our personal trainer now too, I suppose 🤣🤣🤣


❤️There is more of you to love!❤️🥰 Did you really have a blanket named Noo Noo?🕵️‍♂️✨✨


You look great! I've put on some weight over this pandemic too, but so far have lost a few pounds.


I'm second guessing myself now. You're a tricky one!🤔❤️🥰

David Cook

You look fine,it's good to exercise anyway, stay well!