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Hi everybody just an update. Im not well and the family received some devastating news. Im making you aware in case I'm slow on replies and lack in content. I will do my best to continue as I have been but this is just in case.
I don't have coronavirus but I am suffering with headaches and small nose bleeds I had a continuous headache for 3 days. Forth and fifth day has been on and off. Even in my sleep they have been waking me. Out of the respect of family I don't want to talk about the other news. I have made a clumsy DIY vlog in place if the sound clips I have missed
I love you all so much and im very sorry to be telling you this at such a crappy time for everyone.
But I promise to do my best 😔🌦


Scott Andrew

Please be well. We will pray for you and your family. We love you! Take care Jodie.

David Heyduk

I'm just so sorry you are going through this tough time, Jodie. 😢 Please just take care of yourself and your family. We'll always be here for you no matter what! 🤗🤗🤗 ❤❤❤


I hope all is well. At least across the pond you have universal healthcare. Here in the states people put off going to the doctor due to cost which can end up really bad. Hopefully you can figure out what’s wrong!


I know I am very lucky in that sense. Thanks everyone


Please take care of yourself, and do everything you can to be there for your family, Jodie ☺I will definitely keep you in my thoughts 🤗💖

Red Velvet Kitty

Im so sorry to here that you are in pain and that your Family goes trough hard times. If we can do anything to help you Please tell us ! Im sending you Love and positivity Energy and Hope you will feal better asap🤗💖


And this should go without saying, but please don't worry about sharing any content...your life has to come first! We all appreciate you for keeping us in the loop, but your focus right now should be on yourself and your family

Levar Pendleton

You do what you have to do take care of yourself and your family. We're here for you if you need us. My thoughts and prayers are with you and hope you recover soon


All my best hopes and wishes to you and your family! I understand wanting to keep things going as best as you can, but I don't think any of us would be bothered one bit if you needed to take some time to get through things. I can do card tricks and hairy dude beard brushing videos to keep everyone amused for you. Not sure anyone would get tingles, though...


I'll hop in on that collab...I'll brush Jeremy's beard while he does card tricks🤪You just take it easy, Jodie ☺


Take all the time you need. I'm just glad you actually told us something. There are other asmrtists who would/have just disappeared without a word to the fans. Good Luck


Jodie, you're the best. Thank you for this'll message . I'm very sad this is happening to you. 😢We love you. ❤️Your health is most important. it's a main thing for your family, for me and for all your fans. It doesn't matter how long you will be away, but you must be health I hope it makes sense. I apologize for my English . 😔Long sentences are not for me We like you.❤️I like you so much


Don't apologise your English is fine. Even i can't write long sentences and it my first language 🤣. Thank you so much your kind words everyone I've pretty much been in bed all day tbh


Hopefully you get a chance to do some binge-watching ☺I've been watching a show called "Miracle Workers".Very funny...highly recommend it if you have access to it😀


What channel is it on?