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Apart from ear noms because the collab I am going to be involved in cannot include anything like lense licking,kissing,noms you know what I mean



It was really tough for me to not just pick them all🤣Honestly, it all starts with your heavenly voice for me, Jodie☺️And I'm always amazed with your clever and creative roleplays😁


Your voice and your whisper are both the best in ASMR. They are both your single strongest asset for ASMR. Your personal attention is also unrivaled. Nobody plays to the camera as well as you do. When I first encountered your videos, I thought you were a trained actress because you played to the camera so well! And your role-plays are also a really strong point for you. Your imagination is just fantastic.


😁 thank you so much! I'm so glad you think so


Definitely your whispers, for me. Once you begin whispering I become entranced, and there is no escape! ☻


I agree with you Daryl! Jodie Marie could make it in Hollywood if she wanted to!☺ I remember thinking this young lady is so good on camera. We are lucky to have her here on Patreon.


No. I really mean it. ☺ I truly believe it! ♥


Jodie, you're doing a fantastic job at everything! Spectacular trigger words that melt my brain, caring personal attention videos that make each of us feel like the most important person in the world, and you're always introducing me to new and wonderful triggers...pencil behind the ear and cocktail stick ear tickling are just a couple that come to mind☺️😴There's always something new, exciting, and wonderful from you🤗💖


Great minds think alike Nick! I agree! Jodie does have some acting talent, doesn't she? She'd make a great character actress. I've thought so ever since first seeing her videos.


Thank you! Yeah, Jodie Marie is able to grab my attention, she is in control of her audience. Signs of a great actor/actress. ☺☻


Whispers for sure. Your voice and accent is like it was made for doing ASMR.


I've been up for 22 hours for work, so I'm just gonna nod vigorously to this and try not to hit my head on the desk!


Wow Jeremy 22 hours? I hope you get some good rest soon my friend!