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Someone bought me a hard drive from my wishlist! Thank you so much I don't think you use the same name on patreon so I can't thank you personally 🤗



If it was a 500 GB external hard drive then I think it was me.


Oh it didn't say your name on it? It said Jonathon. Actually I recall a comment on YouTube they said they had bought me one. So looks like I got 2 hahaha! The more storage the better. Thank you Daryl 🤗


So am I. I don't think it has then yet unless you used a different name


It should have come with a note with my name and a through the looking glass quote on it. It was delivered Wednesday according to the app. Ugh. Oh well.


I hope you can get it if that's the case. I'm going to have to talk to customer service about this.


If it's gone to the store next door it's because the shop I get it delivered to was closed


Wow! That's a really awesome gift, Daryl🤗If you're still in the giving spirit, I would love an Xbox for Christmas 🤣


Thanks ALH! You're such a great guy, I'd love to get you a gift, but with no way to get it to you these hugs will have to do! 🤗🤗🤗


I'm good with hugs🤗🤗🤗If anyone else wants a hug, I'll be here all night🤗🤣


Always good to hear wonderful news. 🤗