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Ginger ASMR and I have done our first Collaboration!! I'm so excited.
She has give me permission to give you early access. It will be released properly on Ginger ASMR's channel first then I will released on mine afterwards ☺.
Lots of love to you all.
Thank you for constantly believing in me 🤗❤




Wonderful news, Jodie 😁I can't wait to see the collab...I'm sure it's going to be AMAZING 🤗💖


Thanks to you and Ginger for the early access! Can't wait to see it! Your first collab? So there's more planned? And believing in you is easy, after all, you're the BEST!😁👍


Non planned as yet. Might be my last 🤣🤣


She's going to want to work with you again. I have no doubt.


She has so many she would like to work and I'm sure loads will want to work with her so she might not get chance. I would be totally up for it though