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If you have Messaged me, I am sorry I haven't had chance to reply I have been super busy. 

I will catch up with everyone tomorrow. Excuse me if I don't reply to comments this evening. I will look forward to reading them when I get chance :)

Lots of Love


Positive Affirmations/ Repetitive Words/ Personal Attention/Trigger Words

Hi Everybody, I hope with this video I can remind you just how amazing you are. I recorded this ages and ages ago, I just came across it yesterday. I look down a lot as I am referring to my notes on what trigger word is next haha! Trigger words *Little bit better *Delicate *Captivating *Unique *Magnificent *Intelligent *Witty



You deserve a break Jodie. Take your time and rest up. Your Patreogs will all be here when you're ready to return. 🤗


You never need to apologize for being busy, Jodie! You work incredibly hard, and you produce so much wonderful content 🤗💖And this video is AMAZING 😍I'm sitting here struggling to keep my eyes open 😴😴😴


As always ALH said it better than me. Good thing we've got each other while Jodie's away, eh ALH? 😉👍


Hi Guys, Thanks for the lovely Comments! I hope you are both well.