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So how weird is it that I can think of a script on the spot and say it out loud without stuttering or losing my train of thought but to be asked a serious question, I struggle for words and don't know how to answer.
Yet if the same question was asked in a roleplay I could think fast and say it so naturally. 🤔



I think the pressure of performing brings out your A-game, Jodie😀

Bryan Allen

I completely understand. It’s because the script isn’t necessarily you personally; so it’s easier to accomplish.


Ya I'm bad at serious questions on the spot sometimes. I think it's because you want to make sure to give the right answer and it causes you to pause for a moment at least it does for me anyway.


Sounds like me. I always struggle with being asked questions about myself and have gotten very good at redirecting the conversation back to the questioner. It's because I'm afraid people won't like me if they learn much about me.😞


Perhaps your suffering from surrealism. Otherwise known as depersonalization disorder which can be the result of a dissociative fugue or hypnogogic trance. In other words lay off the drugs.


I don't bloody take drugs. 😂😂


Yeah and my brain just panics. Literally screams at me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know those feels Jodie. Did anything happen to prompt you to make this post, or are you just "thinking out loud"?


Okay well just remember that you have ALH, Bryan, john, Jaqueboe myself and dozens of other Patreogs who care about you (even the silent ones do I just know it). 😉👍


As far as you know! It could be as simple as ergot poisoning - which was responsible for the Salem witch trials. Your symptoms are reminiscent also of “dissassociative identity” - side effects include having a warped sense of self perception. You said it yourself you view yourself as short with “gorilla arms”. Forgive my insolence I’m only trying to assist my lady I beseech thee and implore thy forgiveness.


Sometimes I wish I knew what you were talking about. I mean that in the nicest way possible 🤗


I’m a dork and get off on confusing people it makes me feel empowered and validated, at least when it interests people.


Oh no, you aren't a dork. I'm just not smart enough to get you sometimes ☺