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It's becomes more sensual after I've got all my chattering out 🤣🤣


Glass Kissing whisper rambles

After I decide to shut up a bit it gets a bit more sensual for ya



Jodie, if you were running on any kind of sleep deficit, I couldn't tell...you look absolutely flawless 😍😍😍💖And this video is so relaxing 😴I really like the chime sound it made every time you pulled away from the glass😁


I quite liked that too ☺ thank you


Jodie: "Dad, would you mail this lipstick covered glass for me?" Dad: "Why yes Jodie! I will securely mail this lipstick covered glass for you while studiously avoiding asking any questions about why you are having me mail a lipstick covered glass, after all, nothing you do surprises me anymore."🤣🤣🤣


BTW great video Jodie! Always nice to see Dirty Marie come for a visit. You're like the Bruce Banner of ASMR. Dirty Marie is always inside you struggling to come out! 🤭 The lip dragging was an amazing visual and ALH is exactly right about the ringing sound! Lovely!


Thank you, yeah my Dad just let's me get on with it now 😂😂😂 he would just laugh.


If you're serious about the glass, I want one. lol. How much?


I've sent you a private message ☺