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Sorry to those of you that have just joined, I'm normally so organised I promise. Sometimes little things get in the way..
So the next few days/weeks you may get a lot of notifications because I need to take the exclusive vids down and put them back up again.
So sorry for the inconvenience. I will get it done ASAP!
If I walk up a hill and fall down I run back to where I was and further to get me to where I should be again. Thank you for your patience.

Lots of love from the bottom of my heart


Michael Rivera Morales

Sorry to hear that happened Jodie hopefully you will sort it out🤗,BTW I always love the titles because they're always so dramatic it always makes me go"what the hell happened"😂


Not called a drama queen for nothing!! 😂😂😂 I'm glad I keep you on your toes


There's no inconvenience at all, Jodie 🤗❤Do whatever you need to do...we'll be here to support you❤