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How do I sort this out?


Bryan Allen

Did a specific video get demonetized?


A video or channel?


No my whole channel!!


youtube ?


Yeah. For nudity and sexual content


I wouldn't mind but my content on youtube isn't sexual


I believe you can file an appeal. Sorry this happened

Bryan Allen

What the hell?! I’ve heard of videos being demonetized but not an entire channel. There has to be some way to fight it.


Hmm maybe this might help? https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/185111?hl=en


They aren't even telling me what video it is on the community page it says I have no strikes


Maybe the labeling of videos or something on the age restricting? But should be an option to appeal in the email or creator studio


There is no email address I can't reapply until 17th of July but then they could just turn me down again

Bryan Allen

YouTube has been on this bullshit for a while when it comes to ASMR 🙄


I was going to say you should look into the appeal process, but someone beat me to it...I'm really sorry this is happening to your channel, Jodie😥I hope you can get it sorted out quickly !


There is no appeal process for me they just point blank have said I can longer be monetized and to reapply once I've taken videos down but I don't which ones they mean

Bryan Allen

It’s more than likely your ear eating/ear noms videos. They don’t like that stuff. They want an age restriction on them or removed entirely.

Zach D

Are you able to see in your videos dashboards any videos that have been flagged? (I think they use like a green/yellow/red icon for advertiser friendly or not videos) - note, I don't actually know how youtube works, just googling :P

Bryan Allen

I’m just going off what I’ve seen and heard.

Zach D

I don't know enough to help much, but good luck! Hope you don't have to lose your (imo) best videos!


Glad you have your Patreon. YouTube is so unreliable.


Hi Tom! I'm devastated. I'm so glad I have you all too!


I'm thinking it's the age-restricting needing to be turned on for some videos, I guess.


Well i got a month I might go crazy for a couple weeks then take them down just as I can get reviewed again 😂😂


Sorry, Jodie. So absurd


😊 we got this. Thank you for your message