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so I have a long stand on order for my 3dio so I can do more asmr standing up I can be a bit more free then. You can also see more of me which I know some of you like. I guess when you only saw my shoulder it's makes you curious to what I actually look like. I'm tiny there isn't much to me, I eat a lot but I don't put weight on very quickly or ever in fact. I was always critized in school for my weight and I'm like mr tickle I have long gangly arms 😂😂. I accept it more these days. It's just who I am.
Sorry for the ramble.. Also I made a video at midnight last night so I will put a little teaser up shortly for everyone
Lots of love
from the bottom of my heart ❤



no worries Jodie Marie, not the first time schools failed. 🙄 Everything is perfect with you like it is. ⭐️


Thank you, very sweet of you. It's been a long time since I left school but I have changed at all 😂.


Oh my sweetest dear, it is not about size of anything, it is about knowing you and who is so gentle to you. You know I bet you also would love to know whos kissing and massaging you :D And hey, afterall your look is just how cuteness, sweetness, loveliness, carefulness and sensuality looks like..


Sorry I'm a little bit confused about part of this comment but thank you for the compliments 😊


You're worried what you look like? You fade half of the channels I know. Your natural beauty is remarkable


That's really sweet thanks. 😊