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I need a good sound editor because mine just isn't cutting it. Any suggestions?



There's Audacity which is free. Adobe Premiere also has audio editing, but Adobe is subscription based unfortunately. FL Studio is another option as a purchase, but I think there might be a full version (older) for free off their website.


Thank you!! You replied quick too! I'm so lucky to have you all!! I will check audacity first. I'm not keen on adobe. I find it really difficult haha. If I get stuck do you have a basic Idea on how to do things?


Unfortunately, I haven't used them in years, I wouldn't even know how to handle the binaural audio lol. But perhaps one of the other Patrons is a pro audio engineer or at least versed in sound editing. Sorry, Jodie.

Colin Elliott

I would suggest Audacity as well, back when I ripped my books on tape it's what I used to both record them & then combine the recordings


Don't be sorry, Thank you for your help. I know who I can message if I get stuck. 😁😁


You can always google for YouTube tutorials, eg “reverse channels audacity”. Otherwise feel free to message, and I’m happy to help edit.


Aww that's good of yiu thank you


Yup audacity is what I use for editing just be careful about the format you use. It gets tedious if you record and it won’t accept it. Also try “Free DVD videosoft” it can download YouTube audio, use MP3 / MP4 and avoid WAV and WMV. Download in VBR (variable bit rate) for best quality unless they don’t have it for free any more. There’s a “free studio” for dvd videosoft just be careful downloading and unzipping files and make sure you don’t accidentally accept and install some useless crap or antivirus stuff. Use a VPN when downloading free stuff and uploading.


Gosh you are all so clever!


Jodie Marie, sound engineering is my profession. You can contact me if you need any technical help.


Thank you so much!! 😊