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This vid has all the faves :as well as the question in the video about your first kiss experience have you ever been someone's first kiss?




Great timing, i was about to ask if we can get more of that



Petri Borgulas

My first kiss happened when I was only six. I only remember her first name. She was a bit older than me and we played often together. She wanted to test if I was husband material. Her words. Likely not, 'cause she never kissed me again. :D I kissed my sister's best friend when I was about 15. We were watching movies and my sister was sleeping on a couch. And she was holding my hand first. We were just sitting there silently. The next day she was going home I escorted her and we kissed. It was a bit awkward cause she was two years younger and like I said my sister's BF. She was hanging in our house all the time. I decided she was too young for me and dumped her via a letter I slipped in her backpack. :D I see her sometimes if my sister has parties or so. She's godmother to some of my sis' kids. :D


Oh wow 🤣 2 years younger isn't bad I think I that's a good age gap. Funny though that you still see eachother


Honestly my first kiss was perfect, don't think it was exactly because of me, but the next two girls I dated were also perfect kissers. However, the next one had a habit of pulling away in the middle of a kiss. Imagine someone suddenly taking a step backward as you're kissing, it was kind of alarming every time, even after I knew she would do it. I never could say anything to her about it though. :P


"I just couldn't wait to get in there!" 👁️👅👁️ Lol OMG Jodie!! Hahaha! 🤣🤣🤣 My first kiss was a "one night stand kiss" too! 😅 I was 19 years old and in college and she was 32! 😳


😳 bloody hell! I don't know how to feel about that! How did you meet her? 🤣🤣🤣 I was eager


Yeah she was going to the same college too and we met catching a bus going to school one day. It all happened very quickly that same night and tbh it was pretty traumatic for me at the time being such a shy person and a late bloomer as they say. 😬


Pfffftttt!!! That hand kissing did not prepare you properly. 😆😆 First and last kiss w/ that guy. Is this why you’re not into fast & aggressive mouth sounds? You’re like “that was my teenage years, and I got a poor review” 😂😂 Love the up-close crackles btw!


Oh no, not at all, haha mad you made that connection though 🤣I just don't like fast harsh sounds


😂😂 haha actually I was surprised from your story bc you are always so slow and “gentle” haha 😆 (w/ kiss vids)!


Agreed!! The crackles are so much better! and more relaxing I feel


My first kiss was great! She said I was a really good kisser which was good to hear, but kept laughing at me cuz I couldn’t stop opening my eyes to see the action lol.

Charles Young Jr.

I’m positive - I was my first kiss’s, first kiss. Well, more like, nose bump into first kiss 😂

John Pearl

I wish I could take back my first kiss. I discovered that bitch was crazy.

Peter Vreeman

Love all those kisses and mumbles 😌😍😍

David Heyduk

Jodie you are incomparable! 😊


I think this might be my favorite video on here, I love the kissing sound on the plexiglass!


Agree with J, probably top 3. It's just a good mix. Could be because it was new to me, but i really liked the plastic licking/frenching or watchama call it, actually gave me tingles by watching 😅.

Jeff P

My first kiss was a dissaster, we were both drunk and I barley remember it. But it was messy and we never kissed again. I was 16, she was 17.

Jamie Weir

I wish I was the plastic 😘

Darkside 91

I wonder if she tastes like RED wine. 🍷🍷🍷

Beefpanda TM

I find Jodie irresistiblely hot. She oozes sexuality and I love her