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 Hey, folks!

Another week went by. The Beta build of v0.4.8 is uploading as I post this update, with new hidden items (Alpha-level Patrons, check out the alpha release post, there will be hints there).

So what I’ve been up to? Been adding and fixing stuff in v0.4.8 and preparing stuff for v0.4.9. Another little flare-up of life stuff happened, but it’s dealt with, and hopefully there won’t be any more of those for some time.

I’m very, very afraid of saying something “next build should be on time.” Each time I do that I’m setting myself up for a two-week+ delay. So, uh, so far there aren’t any major problems with the next update? Yeah, let’s go with that.

And the State of the Game post. I totally forgot about it. Yes, really. Sorry. Er, next week, maybe?

Have a look at some things that are coming in the next update, and a crop of one of the new hidden object CGs as a random teaser.

See you soon!


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