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Another one of those priority polls. New events are coming for girls' storylines, and there will be more dates like this one time with Naomi in the bar. But (there's always a "but") new dates mean new locations, and new locations mean a lot of environment work. The new park took me almost a week of tweaking, for example. To be fair, it was a bit of an outlier, cause it required a lot of terrain tweaking in Unity. Even then, you may remember that making the bar interior for Naomi's event took me a full couple days of work, same with the city block.

Anyway! I'm going to need to make new environments, that's going to take time, so let's decide which ones I should focus on. Shall we take the girls out into our modern world? Or should we go to all those exotic fantasy locales? Vote!

Edit: I am so, so ashamed of this unfortunate apostrophe placement. But I can't correct it without restarting the poll, so it's going to stay. So sorry 😣


Shane Klein

I really feep.like this is dependent on the girl Nomi and cait would both probly want to go to your world were Lyra and bae would want to go to there home world's

Dion Starfire

We did kind of promise to take Naomi back to that one bar again. And you've already got laid out, so it wouldn't be as much work to do her scenes there.


Would be really nice to take Lyriel to one of those mountain streams she loves to bathe in :)

Wild Bill

Personally I really like the night in we had with Rae. I can really empathise with them all being stuck in the house together at the moment for some reason.