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 Heya! It’s another update post!

Another poll is over, and this one was very close. Still, we have our winning clothing set, now we shall see what actually happens when our magi girl arrives.

Now to the development progress. If you look at the progress report and think “well, that’s not a lot of progress”, then, well, you’re right. I might by underestimating the work done a little bit, but my thinking is, it’s better to finish the version earlier than to delay the release week after week.

On the planning side, there are more events taking shape, and a few more added. First crossover event is in, this one is just a flavour-type, but still, a milestone of sorts. Most of the routes are more or less locked down, but I’m looking to add a couple more minor events for each girl. I also want to do our first fetish poll next week, and will try to add the most popular choice into the 0.3.

Not much to report on the coding side. Still working on the dynamic scheduling, refactoring other bits and pieces.

I’ve been working on a number of scenes this week, all of those are still more or less drafts, but soon enough I will be able to start rendering graphics for those. Right now I’m working on a big event that brings the magi girl into the house, another story event, and doing bits of Naomi’s new events.

And I’ve finished another couple of environments, too. Still have to finish two house rooms and another fantasy environment, but there's an end in sight. After that, scene rendering time! And last but not least, here’s some new teaser images for you, folks!

(And yeah, we will be having another side character joining us)


Wild Bill

The blonde looks cute. I like the little short jacket.