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so if you won past month you can comment this one ,imma do a lil exception since is the month of friendships and all that :P

i could also think in removing the cooldowns from suggestion threads altogether right.... but what if someone wins 3 months in a  row? o: what then 

edit : i think next month i will remove the 7$ tier and transfer its benefits to the 5$ tier,so the tiers available would be 1$, 3$, 5$ and 10$



We take them out behind the barn and shoot them


Thing is, when someone wins it's on them delivering better ideas, that are liked by the community altogether. It would be diffrent if you were choosing them. Some may be dickbroke not winning, but that's not the winners or your fault, since it is the entire communities decision


Holding back on generally good ideas just to suit the individual doesn't seem smart.


Some people do have ideas that are liked by most,whereas others have more oscure/unkown characters and is harder for get to win then ...But still,if someone wins too often,wouldnt the other people who also suggested feel annoyed?


Depends on what is really annoying them, one person winning over and over or them losing regardless of who is winning. Regarding obscure characters, that seems more of a problem for the general voting process, since characters with more recognition are bound to be more popular. All you could do would be collecting the ones you see as obscure and you would want to draw and put them to a vote together. As long as not everyone will get their ideas drawn, someone will be angry, but that's a problem no one could fix, unless you work yourself to death and I think I speak for most if not all of us, when I say no one wants that


all you write is very logical and i think i should remove cooldowns altogether


Take your time, you have at least a month before making the next decision regarding that


i think starting this month and onwards no more cooldowns ,if someone wants more chances to win,then 10$ tier for double voting power,let's see how it goes


We put them on a pedastool and by that I mean the way too horny corner and throw tomatoes at them