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Hello,i got good and bad news heh.

Good news is that tomorrow i will start drawing.

Bad news is that my laptop died. It was a refurbished/used newer one ,and today after so many electrical failures she  finally died,i had it for two years and i could play games and do better drawings there.....Anyway  I am back to my very ,veryold laptop that works for the bare minimum.

I gotta admit i feel really shtty right now. Life always find a way to become worst for me ,i often wonder why do i keep going,whats the point of all this struggle? Drawing is like the only reason but it gets tiring to put so much effort.And where i live electronic devices are expensive asf so getting a new one wont be easy. I will get it check in order to see if it's possible to fix it. Which put another burden on my mind in regards of my art being nsfw and all that.Wish me luck.



I wish you the best of luck, a shame to hear that happened.


thank you,good thing is i did a backup of many things,including the YCH so at least i can fulfill that duty


Sorry to hear that!


Good luck pink! Rooting for you!


I'm sorry things are so hard for you :( Best of luck with everything!


Thank you,i will keep working because my love towards drawing is far greater for the time being heh ^^