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Hey friends!

I like to post status so you guys know how i am doing!

Burn out is a real thing and very scary,anyway,i have done over 230 rewards since i started them back in june of 2020,this had lead to me being very tired and not pleased with drawing for others.

Because of this the amount of drawings i intend to do per month will be greatly reduced and will be mostly-only  those that win the polls (and commissions will remain closed except for close peeps/buddies or in case of a emergency on my side)

The polls at the same time will be done with the suggestions given by the 7$ tier patrons starting next month,while the polls will be only accesible for 3$ patrons and up for voting. 1$ will be able to see artworks but wont be able to participate in choosing/suggesting.

With the current plan i will engage with,the amount of art i will do for you guys is like 3 elaborate drawings of  breast expansions and 2 semi elaborate drawings of butt expansion/bondage/tentacles/etc ,all of those drawings will come from the suggestion threads and polls.

I will keep one reward tier open (slots all taken already tho) so i dont starve  :'D

I might do quick sketches  besides those but nothing elaborate ,I also intend to focus in studying for at least 4 months  and maybe around july i will open commissions for everyone



summary, 7$ tier gives suggestions for polls,3$ votes,1$ only sees ,starting december


its highly unlikely i will only do 8 drawings a month (including rewards) i will probably do more but sketches because holy sht i am burn out and unskilled and need to learn