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This idea seems more logical and might work better after reading some replies.

For december i would increase the price of Platinum tier to 25$ and change other aspects of tiers.

So it would be like this:

Gold tier - Fanart only 15$ (10 slots) -Bust only +colors-

Platinum tier - Ocs/Fanart mixed 25$ (10 slots) -Thighs up only +colours-

Overlord tier - Ocs/Fanart mixed +shading 30$ (3 slots) -thighs up only+colours+shading-

  • Platinum and Overlord tierd would allow ocs between months.
  • Overlord shading would be like this https://www.patreon.com/posts/41062716  
  • In the gold tier i would only leave the flat colours and the blush/skin light   .
  • Platinum tier would remain the same way it is actually minus no thiccness  and colored lines like this https://www.patreon.com/posts/42439405
  • Overlord would be like Platinum but paying 5$ extra for getting a shaded piece
  • Platinum tier would be highly recommended to those who want an oc from time to time.

 the only tags allowed would be GTS,breasts and butt expansion- not simultaneously- ,bondage,nudity,sex,futanari,traps,masturbation/genderswap and nudity/sex scenes but second character wouldnt be detailed at all only the genitalia.

 I will probably remove overly thicc characters from all my rewards in that month...The more i draw those the more i dislike it so no point in forcing myself to something i just dont enjoy .

I know all those many drawings waste me very hard. Reason why i increase prices or remove certain fetishes....I really love to draw a ton but ultimately selling myself cheap and getting sick in the long run wont cut it. Then there's my desire to have time for my own art which is something i rarely get tbh.Lastly seeing other people's rewards convinces me more and more that i undersell myself real hard ,given the fact i have improved that is not a good thing.

The reason why i dont open a tier with ocs only is because of lack or marketing with those, ocs dont get me as many views/followers as fanart,thus forcing  me to add the fanart  as mandatory.



You absolutely do underprice your work. At the same time, hopefully you're learning and improving a lot...


And the prices are good based in what i have seen in regards of nsfw art. Most YCH are 25-30$ and dont allow to choose a pose ,whereas i always allow the person to choose the pose.


One of the reasons i undersell myself is due to insecurity towards my art and because i still see prices from a foreigner perspective,not the pov of most of my customers who live in countries where 20-30$ are very small amounts of money ,relatively speaking


and ofc those prices would not be raised anymore. They are pretty fair given the quality and the people's budget.


Also i wanna raise them because between Patreon's and Paypal's charges over transactions i lose money.


And commissions not gonna open them anytime soon and the prices on my journal are already kinda outdated so... yeah This best option ^^


and the overlord tier is going to be very restricted,so if anyone is interested on it,dm. Someone already wanted a spot,so only two left for december.


Sounds good!~ Just give us a heads up when the time is coming up!


Awesome,i might even pull this one in november so i already have everything set up for next year work :D I will in advance tell to everyone when new platinum and overlord are up