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New character I will also use in my pages as avatar/mascot/self-insert just as Elf-chan (I actually figured a good name for elf-chan,Rosemary :D) 

Name : Why naming characters is so damn hard like wtf :DDD

Alias: Koffin -while i think in a good name lmao-

Age around 22-25 

Gender Female

Occupation: a Monster/Demons slayer 

Alignment : True Neutral

Bio: Uses magic, and weapons ,kills creatures,adventure time ! Is good friend of Elf-chan -both are from same lore,a world similar to the fantasy isekais -

Nothing else for now,I am not a writer ,i like drawing not writing xD  




I have so much perfect Satsuki vibes I just love it! <3


People are still going to want to lewd the self-insert characters :p


I was thinking in Han Juri actually xD but the eyesbrowns of Satsuki D: and a villainess vibe,very different from Elf-chan


Tbh i do wanna lewd them ,but in some years when i reach a higher quality xD


Oooo! I really love her design! She is really cute and love her background! Been loving your OC's, they are all awesome and well designed. Also love the name Rosemary for Elf-chan!