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OCS (original characters) won't be allowed for August reward,remember to remove your pledge before 26 of July if you only wanted to requests OCS,cheers!

I am planning to be off during a large period of time,once i finish this month's rewards ( around 2-3 weeks) starting around 26 of july till 16 of August aprox.

It seems my tiredness is too high and my eyesight really,really needs a break from screens.So i am pretty much going to be off from everywhere and not going to draw anything those days,planning to live like an amish those free days xD....Btw don't worry about August's reward,many oc people will drop their pledges so i will be able to draw the fanart requests left .



Btw is gonna be really hard for me to not draw ,whenever i took days off i actually drew and that's why my poor eyes are so fcking wasted xD