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Guys i am alive, and i am sorry if left for such a long period of time.

Honestly i was terribly sick and  exhausted,my body and mind couldnt keep going.The workplace i was using was damaging my back ,collar,legs ,all.I had to change it in order to prevent more pain .The insomnia was also destroying me. I planned to come back before,but the eletrical outages suddenly increased the past week which delayed it.

The massive improvements in my drawings in a year have been at the expense of my physical and mental health and it finally hit me. I overdid myself.

I feel much better now,insomnia came back due to the electrical outages,but the pain is gone .

I will be posting some drawings i did that i didnt post before and some new ones.

Stay tuned,thanks for the support,and thanks for being understanding :) <3



Glad you’re okay! i was a bit worried when i realized i hadn’t seen anything from you for almost a month


Aww thank you. I just,stupidly broke myself lol.I guess i love drawing so much i didnt realize my body/mind were suffering . Anyway i have some good art to post now,so the absence will be compensated