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If you follow me on twitter my Kamen Rider obsession should be pretty obvious. One of the things I've been trying to get going is a web comic about my own Kamen Rider inspired character. Finally settled on a final draft of the suit design, as well as looks for most of the main cast. Youmacon requires a 50/50 split between original art and fan art, so that's been the perfect excuse for me to dedicate more time to this, and I'll hopefully be able to start uploading finished pages around early or mid October.

I was also surprised to have a few people ask me about the yuri romance comic I had started a while back but stopped around early 2021. I have been working on bringing that back, but when I do it's going to be drastically different. After the way the last few years have went, I can't write the lovey dovey rom-com I had originally intended. I just don't have the heart or mindset for it anymore, so I'm taking the characters in a different direction. But I hope you can still enjoy the story and the characters when it returns.

Thanks as always for your support. 



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