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Hey! I'm really sorry again, especially for the lack of NSFW updates this month. I had planned to draw a ton, but I ended up running into a bunch of life-related hiccups that included but were not limited to merch orders for conventions being delayed, important mail going to an old address, a kidney issue that needed me to go to the emergency room, on top of creating new prints for events and the usual. I've been running around a lot more than I had planned to this month, but once Anime Expo is finished I should hopefully have to chance to finally sit down and just make everything I wanted to.

The one plus side is all of this frustrated me enough to finally invest in an iPad and Apple pen so I can draw on the go, and while I'm away at conventions. I probably won't be able to draw any NSFW given I'll still be in public spaces, but I am going to be practicing while at CEO and AX and if I can churn out anything nice looking I'll be sure upload it here.

Apologies again for the lack of updates. I had every intention, and the drive, to draw a ton, but life had other plans apparently. But I've sorted those out and am feeling much better (kidney issue was thankfully treated with minimal hassle), and I'm taking every precaution I can to make sure I don't hit these snags again. Thanks for sticking around despite all that, and I'll have more art for you soon.

Thank you!


Octovias Markus

Hey, life gets in the way. Hope you're feeling better after the ER visit. The Gposes count imo.


Thanks! I am. Last couple days were the worst of it but I think everything's passed now. I'm glad you liked the gposes!


Meatspace takes precedent dude, all’s good. Looking forward to seeing more from you!