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You know the drill! Vote on your pick for the next lewd drawing! Voting will end on November 1rst, so I can start once I'm back from Youmacon.

Just a heads up that I have a few big life things on my plate so this may take a little longer than usual to complete, but I will do my best to get it done as fast as possible while still keeping it as spicy as possible. 

Also, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments for the next poll!



Edelgard demands Byleth! xD


Oh wow this swung hard for Weiss since I voted.


Lol yeah. Haven't drawn RWBY content in a while but I guess people still want to see me do it?


Drawing them together would be fun! Was debating between Edelgard or Dorothea for a Byleth pic.


If you do with Dorothea you should put Edelgard peeking in through a window looking either jealous or thirsty lol