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Things have changed a lot over the past couple years, with the pandemic and all. With conventions, my main source of income the past few years, being shut down and application being rolled over en masse, it forced me to restructure my life a lot to stay afloat. And amidst making all these changes, I kept looking at Patreon, and realized that it's been pretty cluttered and unfocused. There are Dumb Comics every week and at least one NSFW illustration a month, but sometimes there are fan art prints, and sometimes there isn't. Sometimes I post OC related art and sometimes I don't. Pledges decreased gradually after I finished that Kali hentai comic, and as frustrating as it feels, I kind of get it given how it doesn't feel like I know what I'm doing looking at my own work right now.

So the question I want to ask is what kind of content do you come here to see, and what do you want to see more of? Personally I'd love to just take several months and do nothing but OC stuff, since that's why I started drawing in the first place, but Patreon isn't just about me. There's got to be a balance between what I want to do, and what you all want to see and feel would be fair given the amounts you pledge every month.  

Please vote, and leave a comment if you have any suggestions. It would help me make a plan going forward.

Thanks as always for your support, and I hope what I make in the future can continue to keep you entertained.


As some of you may remember, I did mention hosting/trying out NSFW content on Subscribestar. I am still working on that. I planned to get it done earlier, but I wasn't expecting my online store to get as many orders as it did, and have been very busy with packing and shipping orders out and handling inventory. Updates on that will come when I'm able to get a sizable chunk of work on that done. Thank you. 



Did the thought of Dumb_NSFW appeal to anyone else, or am I just being extra weird?


Personally I have no idea how to make that work unless I did like, a hentai comic and threw that in there during a comedic moment or something like that.

Dallas Hicks

See, I enjoy all of these so it's difficult to choose. 😁