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Currently, my NSFW twitter, which was the place where most of my NSFW content would go, has been suddenly suspended with zero warning. The account was properly marked for sensitive content, I said my content on the account was 18+ in the description, and the drawings themselves were nothing out of the ordinary for most NSFW accounts on the site. Also that account was solely used for posting content, and no harassment occurred to my knowledge. Needless to say I'm absolutely livid that the suspension was immediate, and no chance was given fix whatever the issue was.

While I have no proof this was the case, there has been talk multiple times over the years that minors, who have no business looking at NSFW content to begin with, mass report twitter accounts like it's some sort of crusade to cleanse the site.

Either way, I have lost a huge chunk of my following due to this, and there seems little chance of this being resolved soon due to the pandemic slowing down their appeal process, as stated my an automated notice I received when I attempted to do so.

All NSFW content on this Patreon page will remain up, and for the time being, this will be where it's hosted. All planned NSFW projects will continue as well. Thank you for your continued support, and sorry the content on that account is unavailable.



Wow, yeah. This has been happening more and more. Everyone I know is being caught in stuff like this. First Tumblr, now Twitter. Hopefully the idiots will get a clue before they do something they can't take back.


Damn that is so unfair, hope it gets resolved, you deserve better