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The Kali comic is officially done! All pages can be downloaded via the ZIP files attached to this post. Sorry about it being split into two separate ZIP files. Patreon has a 200 mb limit on each individual attachment, and the full comic was just over that limit. I didn't want to decrease any image quality on the pages, and had to split it in two. I recommend moving all files into a single folder after unzipping them.

Thank you very much for the support, and keep an eye out for my next project, be it work-safe or not!


The comic is also now available on Gumroad! If you know people who are interested in purchasing it, but don't/aren't able to subscribe here on patreon, please share this link with them! ---> https://gum.co/epbVb 



Dallas Hicks

Bravo, sir! I appreciate all of the hard work you put into this!👏👏👏


I love this. Bravo, Eunnie!