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As stated in the previous page update, the end of the Kali doujin is coming soon. More accurately, there are 5 pages left, but some of them don't have too many panels, so it shouldn't take too long to finish. Once it's done, a ZIP file with all the pages (with text and without) will be available for download here on Patreon. I'm also planning on drawing a cover for the completed version, as well as some extra sketches of the characters. 

I'm also looking for places I can sell it online for anyone who wants to purchase a digital copy, but can't pledge to Patreon.

What comes after this? I won't be stopping lewd comics once this is over. But while the ending I have for this comic does leave the option for a second chapter open, I would like to do at least one different project so I don't get burned out on RWBY related content. Maybe something Naruto related, since a lot of my NSFW followers seem to come from that fandom, or maybe something with original characters. I haven't fully decided yet, but will lull it over and update you more as the Kali doujin gets closer to completion.

Thanks for your support!




Three Houses maybe? With El or Rhea or Dorothea? Just a suggestion.

Papa Diamond

i'm excited to see the ending