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He's fine. The ghosts told him so.




Haha, yeahhhh... perfectly fiiiiine~ Speaking of... Dimitri's insanity was... oddly treated in the game, I thought... I dunno about the other routes, but in the blue one, once he starts getting better, it kinda felt to me like everyone was just like "Oh good, he's sane again~ Everything should be fine now, and there should be no more issues with this matter from here on out. It is definitely a good idea to immediately resume following the guy who has spent the last several years half dead, murdering trespassers to this abandoned temple at the behest of assorted visual and auditory hallucinations, hellbent on revenge with little regard for his people who are still alive. *nod nod* Yep, this should go perfectly. 8D" Like he just snapped out of several years of insanity and is now totally fine with no repercussions at all. I mean, desperate times and all that, and I know they still defer to Byleth overall, but still. ^^;;