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As mentioned in the previous Armored Fighter post, I've been torn between working on that one and Eun-X-Cel. 

Eun-X-Cel is about Celandine Cao, who, after her curiosity gets her caught in the crossfire during one of Eun-Moo's missions, gets sucked into the larger conflict when the creature he's fighting becomes unusually focused on her. She reluctantly joins Eun-Moo, and the organization that deployed him, both for her own protection, and to discover why these creatures have become so fixated on her. She'll find that her connection to the creatures, as well as Eun-Moo and his group, runs deeper than any of them expect.

Currently I've been going back and forth between these two ideas. And I figured consistent updates for one would be better than inconsistent updates for both. I just can't settle on which.

Eun-X-Cel was attempted before, but stopped due to me personally being in a very bad mindset and depression. If you'd like to take a look at the old version of the comic (of which there are 50+ pages), the download link is >> here <<


Adding some info on Celandine and Eun-Moo, since I realize that might help. 

Celandine Cao:  Celandine is an energetic individual and a hard worker. She’s taken up work at an apartment building in exchange for a place to live, and has worked tirelessly to be able to afford an education. Though basically in poverty, Celandine clings to her life as she’s struggled to build it ever since she woke up to find herself surrounded by destruction. She’s also eager to learn new things and highly curious, frequently poking her nose into things that pique her interest.

Eun-Moo Chang:  Eun-Moo is quiet, sarcastic, and aloof. He tends to distance himself from the rest of his organization for various reason, ranging from disagreeing heavily with their ethics and viewing himself as more monster than human due to the powers given to him. Despite these reservations, he sticks with the H.E.L.I.O.S. organization in order to make the full use of his abilities, and to try and keep them in check. Has a bad habit of projecting his self hatred onto others. He has a strong need to protect the people close to him, stemming from having looked after his younger sister by himself for years.  



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