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Hey! So a few more people have pledged recently, and I wanted to say thanks for the support!

Also, while I'm in the process of getting projects done, I want to know:  In the future, what kind of content would you like to see more of from me?

I'll leave this poll open for a few days. Looking forward to your responses!


Ace The Caesar

honestly? i love all of it. i know that doesnt help the poll much, but ive been liking all the great art and comics!


Love to see FE3H stuff😍 maybe also more Golden deer/claude stuff


For future stuff more Toku stuff would be lovely. All the rider stuffs been great but id like to see you try you hand at other series


To be honest, it was your NSFW art that first brought you to my attention, but after becoming a patron your Dumb_Comics were what held my attention. Which is a testament to your ability to simplify and exaggerate story points/character tropes/the types of playthroughs people do, in a fun and engaging way because I haven't played FE3H nor did I watch RWBY past the 2nd season. Yet I found them hilarious nonetheless. I would greatly enjoy more Dumb_Comics takes on those and other types of media/games.


Hey Eunnieverse, to be honest - and I don't think you'll even be a little surprised, the reason I'm here is because of that amazing Ayane art you made. It wasn't particularly NSFW, or an OC - I just really liked your style and your take on her personality. Since I've been here, I just generally enjoy what you make, I like your stuff! The NSFW stuff is very saucy and awesome, so I'd love to see more of that (*cough* Ayane *cough* please) and I genuinely like the OC stuff you've made! But when you take something 'you' just like, like Ayane or Rider, and decide to draw it up, I consider that in the 'Other' category you listed. So I voted for all 3! Mostly, I'm here because I really like your art - if you ever want ideas of what else to draw inspiration from (other than Ayane lol) I'd be happy to share some more of my favorites. But all in all keep up the great work!


First heart of you through dumb comics, jumped to Patreon for nsfw Don’t really know what your original stuff is like, but I’m curious and would like to see some


Everything I've seen from you is great in its own way. The Dumb_Stuff is hilarious, the NSFW stuff is hot, and everything else looks awesome.