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Hi! First off, I want to thank you all for the feedback you left on my previous post. Thanks to your replies, I think I figured out a way to balance things out while keeping the focus on comic related content, which the majority listed as a reason for pledging. 

So how are reward tiers going to change?

The $1 tier will remain the same. Pledging this amount will still let you see all finished comic updates early. 

The $3 and $10 tiers are going away, and will both be merged into the $5 tier. While I don't plan on focusing much on NSFW content that much, a lot did pledge for it, and I feel like I can keep drawing as long as it doesn't take away from the comic content. I'll be cutting the pledge requirement down to $5 since it will likely only be around 1 or 2 NSFW updates a month, and including all WIPs, concept art, etc. of both SFW and NSFW in that tier. 

Some of you may have gotten your pledges refunded this month. This is due to you pledging to the $3 and $10 tiers that will be disappearing. Feel free to re-pledge to one of the new, appropriate tiers if you'd like. I just don't feel right taking your money amidst all these changes. If you pledged to one of these tiers and haven't gotten a refund for February yet, don't worry, your refund is coming. I'll be able to send it to you as money comes in. Patreon won't let me transfer money from my bank to patreon, so I need to wait for funds to be available on Patreon specifically before I can refund the rest. Apologies for the wait, and I appreciate your patience. Your refund will come. I just need a bit of time due to the way Patreon's system works. In the meantime, please switch to one of the new tiers.

Thank you for your time, and for helping me figure this out. Hopefully this will lead to me producing more frequent content for you all to enjoy. 


Emmanuel Barrales

Here's wishing you good luck with your Patreon. Your works are awesome.


Awesome Work 🙂😺😀😃😄👍😁

Dallas Hicks

This sounds like a perfect solution. I'm definitely still with you, dude!👍


Sounds like a pretty solid plan to me. Thanks for the heads up!