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Patrons, after reading this, I ask that you please leave a comment with, well, feedback. For a while I've felt like I haven't been utilizing Patreon as well as I should have (and the exit surveys from former patrons seem to reflect that feeling). One thing I want to do this year is fix that, and the most effective way for me to do that is to read your input. It's your money that's being pledged here after all, and I want to do what I can to give you your money's worth. 

In general, I feel like I've left things on here very unfocused. Constantly jumping between the Dumb_Comics, trying to push original content, and NSFW art, all while creating merchandise for conventions, has me running in multiple directions while not really making any headway in anything that matters. I need to figure out a direction and stick with it, and cut out anything that isn't necessary (not to say that some of these can't overlap, but we'll cover that later). 

So first off, what do you primarily come here to see, and what do you want to see more of? Do you come here for the Dumb comics? The sexy content? Were you interested in my OCs I've been trying to develop? If you had to choose one of these to definitely stick around, what would it be? Again, please let me know by leaving a comment below.

Next I need to disclose my personal feelings towards this. It's only fair that you know where my passions current are in regards to creating content. 

I got into art because I wanted to make comics. Specifically with my OCs. And ideally, that's what I would love to focus more on going forward. I am aware that the brand I've ended up building and the works that have garnered a following don't exactly coincide with that, however. As long as I'm drawing comics, I'm happy, as much as I wish the stories I've created could play a bigger part in that.

As far as NSFW art goes, it's pretty clear I haven't been posting much of it. And that's for several reasons. One, it's not the face of my art, nor the primary source of my art related income, so it tends to take a back seat in priority to stuff like the Dumb_Comics and anything I have to do for convention work. And second, I'm just flat out not enjoying it lately. Honestly, it wasn't even something I wanted to focus on to begin with. A lot of the NSFW art I've done that most people come for is stuff I can't even put up here on Patreon anyway, so I've felt like I've had to give up free time in order to create something for both crowds, and I'd be lying if I said it hasn't started to burn me out and leave me a bit spiteful towards a lot of it. This does not mean I won't be finishing the Kali doujin. We did hit that goal, and I am going to finish it.  Also the Kali doujin is still enjoyable for me (and I will have an update on it this week). Once it's completed though, I don't know what place NSFW will have here, or with me. If I had to choose between NSFW and being able to focus on my comic stuff, I'd pick comic stuff in a heart beat. But if NSFW is really, really something you all want to continue to see from me, I'm sure we can find a way to make it fulfilling for both you and me. 

And it's not like things can't cross over! I can incorporate NSFW in my original content or comics. Maybe have ongoing NSFW comic projects going on in the back, or having regular NSFW drawings of OC characters if that does become a focus. These are just examples off the top of my head, but things can overlap. 

Thank you for reading this, and for sticking with me so far. Please leave me your feedback below in the comments.

TL;DR:  I want to make my patreon more focused on doing one thing well than haphazardly trying to do 5 different things and burning myself out.  Please tell me what you primarily come here to see, and what you want to see more of (Comics, OC related art/stories, NSFW, etc.) in the comments. Thank you.



Yo man, I have been supporting your patreon for a long time. I donated because like your dumb comics and the NSFW art.


I originally came because of the dumb_ comics, but now I quite enjoy the other things you post as well (fanart, original stuff... I've really liked the kamen rider things you've posted recently, for example ^^), and I'd definitely be interested in seeing OCs and such. ^^ (Also, I personally don't really have any interest in NSFW stuff, so whatever you decide about it is fine with me.)


Came for the dumb comics, stayed for the OCs


I support your patreon because I'm a fan of your alternate NSFW content (you know which one), but I understand if you no longer wish to create such content



Dallas Hicks

Came for Dumb, upgraded for NSFW Kali stuff, but enjoy your OC's. I know that doesn't necessarily help you when it comes to focusing your content but would continue to support you in some way if you changed your focus.


Thank you for all the feedback so far! It's been really helpful. I have some ideas on what to change already thanks to your responses, and will try to implement those this month.


Came for the nsfw stuff. (It's a lot more polished and well drawn than all the crap online) was already a fan of the Dumb_comics so getting it early is a bonus.