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People asked for more Zelda. I wanted to draw more Zelda. I drew it. Everybody wins.


"My, aren't you frisky today, princess?" Ganondorf chuckled, watching his Hylian lover clean his length after an intense love making. he brushed his thick, strong fingers gently over Zelda's blonde hair, keeping his attention on her and ignoring his Boko Goblins who were peeping and relieving themselves to the show. 

"Oh shut up," Zelda panted as she dragged her small, pink tongue against the underside of her lover's cock. She shuddered, feeling  Ganondorf's semen  starting to ooze out of her, no doubt making a mess on the palace floor. "You have no right teasing me when you're still this hard."

Ganondorf chuckled as he watched Zelda lap up the remainder of his seed before she climbed back onto his lap. She pressed her hands against his chest and kissed him deeply on the lips, muffling a long moan as she lowered herself back onto his impressive manhood.  Understandably, despite how many time they'd already done this intimate dance, It still took considerable effort for Zelda to fit her lover's cock inside of her. Ganondorf wasn't oblivious to this. He let Zelda take her time, once against adjusting to his size. And once she was ready he placed a hand on her back, guiding her movements and helping her bounce up and down on his lap again. 

After some time, their frequent sexual encounters yielded... Results. It was joyous, and yet a tad frustrating. The couple had to hold back on their roughhousing so they wouldn't harm their new arrival. Still, the found ways to keep each other satisfied. 

"Does it feel good?" Zelda asked, as she flicked her tongue against Ganondorf's length. 

Ganondorf nodded, biting his lip as he watched Zelda brushed her tongue up and down his cock, all while teasing him with both her palms. He never tired of the sight of Zelda practically worshipping his cock. It turned him on quite a bit, as did seeing Zelda's now swollen breasts starting to leak milk as she pressed herself against him. 

"Hey, can we do it one more time?" Zelda asked.

"Are you sure?" Ganondorf asked, sounding a little concerned, as enticing at Zelda's offer was. "It's not good to strain yourself too much."

"I'll be fine. I've gotten used to it by now," Zelda said, climbing onto her lover's lap, her back against his chest as she looked over her shoulder. She smiled coyly at him, softly biting her bottom lip as she gazed up at him. "Besides, I've started to enjoy feeling you in my ass."

Ganondorf didn't need any further convincing. Within moments, the two were at it again. And of course, the usual crowd of Boko Goblins had snuck in to enjoy the show.




good lord thats gonna skewer her