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Hi everyone!

Clark and his fellow Justice League-ers are now all inside Dominus' mothership. And of course, it's all going wrong for the lot of them.

Previous times when I'd hinted at the men of Metropolis being hauled away for a good probulatin', commenters expressed a desire to see what was happening to them. So I've tried to take that into account here. Hopefully Clark's buns of steel will be able to withstand a bit more than poor McBro there!



Enrique Vega

Excellent Work!! Thank you buddy!!


Great work! Love seeing the other men, would love to see more of that...very excited to see what happens to Superman too...loving it!


Poor Sups and friends!❤👏

Lucky Stallion

A deep and thorough anal-ysis of these studs for totally legit purposes. 😈 Great work, man!


So hot. The nipples on mustachioed Mr. Silver Fox alone get me hard, much less the rest. Sly humor, gorgeous layout, and some alien in spandex grooving on "tight earth pussy!" A++


Thanks! I’m glad it resonated with you - a very particular kind of humor, but I think we’re all in on the joke.


If those three men are representative of the ordinary male citizens of Metroplis, I'm moving there. Your alternative universe beats mine.


I think these are perhaps the prime specimens of Metropolis… but there are certainty higher densities of himbos in my alternate universes 😂