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Hi everyone!

Life has been incredibly overbearing lately - but things look to be leveling off a bit now fortunately. And I've finished Chris and his image set series!

I decided that Chris was worthy of a pinup as well as an image set, so I hope you enjoy seeing the mighty zombie-slaying hero in all his glory. For tomorrow, you will see him thoroughly wrecked. *Wesker chuckle*



Johnny Gayzmonic

I don't have a lot of experience with the Resident Evil games, but I have a huge thing for Chris Redfield. Can't wait to see him get...enjoyed.


Can’t wait to see the back…

Travis Truant

I’ve never played a RE game, but if he was the main character I would play it non-stop.

Lucky Stallion

I'm really happy to hear things are getting less hectic for you! Poor Chris likely wasn't trained for what's to come. 😄😈❤️

Stellar Flare

He's the main character in Resident Evil 5 and one of the 2 playable characters in the original Resident Evil