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Do you ever find yourself feeling anxious or worried or stressed in your life? Perhaps you just need a little time to yourself to relax and unwind and enjoy the feminine activities that allow you to face your future with fresh desire and enthusiasm.

Listen as I gently guide you towards a natural awareness of the importance of taking a relaxing and luxurious bubble bath surrounded by your favorite soothing and floral candles whenever you find yourself feeling anxious or worried or stressed or tired. Discover that there is nothing better for your mental state than sitting in a comfortable tub surrounded by girly scents as you allow the water to relax your muscles and clear your mind for lots of delicious and pleasurable feminine thoughts. Crave the comforting smells of candles and lotions and soaps as a great way to wind down from your stressful day, and find yourself coming to love your new pleasurable feminine routines as you grow more and more accustomed to surrounding yourself in the comfort that makes you the most happy in life.

Close your eyes and go deeper as you learn about all of the pleasurable and exciting ways in which you have always loved to take care of yourself.


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