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Getting started with the huge world of skin care can be pretty daunting. What’s the difference between hand cream, body lotion, and face cream? Can I just use body lotion on my face? What’s up with all these paper face mask sheets? What’s a “T-Zone” and why is it so important? I’ve done hours of my own research and saved some very good articles all compiled here as a good starting point to your journey towards better skin! It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself, so why not now?

Let’s talk about skin and skin types. The skin on your face is thinner and more delicate, which is why as you age, your face is the first place to start noticing wrinkles and sagging or droopy areas. Your skincare regimen will also vary greatly depending on your environment and genetics. Everything from the climate and season to the altitude matters to your skin! There are four categories of skin types; normal, dry, oily, and combination. Identifying which type of skin you have is simple!

  1. Normal skin has small pores, a soft and smooth texture, no blemishes, and a rosy color from uniform transparency.
  2. Dry skin can vary from mild where skin feels rough, tight, and may look dull. Very dry where there can be flakiness or patches, and a rough and blotchy appearance. Lastly, extremely dry skin - usually around knees, elbows, hands and feet - are usually callused, cracked, and frequently itchy.
  3. Oily skin is characterized by large visible pores, glossy shine, and thick pale skin. People with oily skin are prone to blemishes and acne, oily skin can also be triggered by hormonal changes, stress, medication and cosmetics.
  4. Combination skin is a mix. Usually the T-Zone is oily with more pronounced pores, but cheek skin is normal or dry. Combination skin is most common.

So what is a T-Zone anyway? Imagine a “T” on the central part of your face covering your forehead, nose, chin, and area around your mouth. This area is prone to being more oily because it has a higher amount of oil glands. When the weather gets a bit warm, this area tends to get a bit shiny, which can put off your whole look. But can be combated with “Oil Blotting Sheets” or “Pressed Powder” compacts on the fly. I consider my peripera Oil Capture Pact a necessity and keep it in my bag wherever I go. I find it very quick and easy to “powder my nose” a little bit after I wash my hands in the bathroom.

Now that you’ve figured out what kind of skin you have, how do we even approach finding the right lotion? Because skin is so varied, it can take some trial and error to figure out the best way to tackle your type, but here are a few great, gentle products to start with.

Face Cream: I like using Neutrogena’s Hydro Boost Gel It’s gentle enough for daily use and lasts all day. I usually apply this right after my morning shave and shower, but before I apply my makeup. Not much is needed, just a bit on the pad of my index finger is usually enough for my whole face.

Body Lotion: Aveeno’s Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion, I have sensitive skin and I love the soothing oat and the fact that it’s fragrance free.

Deep Moisturizer: Yu-Be Lotion Deeply Hydrating Moisturizer is what I use as my powerful lotion. I use this sparingly, usually only if I’ve neglected my problem areas or my skin needs deep healing. I used to have extremely dry cracked and painful skin on my elbows, feet, and knuckles. I used this cream on them exclusively for a week and then switched back over to the Aveeno and have never had dry or cracked skin since. I sometimes forget to moisturize daily or I forget to pack enough lotion when I travel and this helps to repair those failures.

Why do you need so many different creams? The skin on your face is fickle and thin and requires something a bit more gentle than body lotion. Creams meant for your body usually have extra chemicals to seal in moisture that are much too harsh for your face, plus face creams have the added benefit of specialized formulas to help reduce wrinkles and promote elasticity, which can take years off the look of your face!

The real key to keeping your skin healthy is to keep the sun away from it as much as possible, so I’m always sure to apply sunscreen as well! My favorite brand is Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen. It doesn’t feel greasy and the fragrance isn’t too strong.

So what about those face mask sheets that I see everywhere? Do they work? Yes! They do! And they’re FUN. It works best to moisturize your face mainly because the sheet holds the moisturizer against your face for much longer. When you apply your regular face cream, some of it evaporates right off your face, but with the sheet in place, it prevents that from happening, meaning you get a lot more moisture absorption. I use these lotion face masks once a week, leave it on my face for about a half hour and I always look radiant afterwards!

Happy moisturizing! Mind your Mistress and always remember to stay beautiful!

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