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Do you crave the soft, supple, smooth skin that all the sexiest girls have, but you’re stuck in your icky hairy boy body? Do you desire to feel the silkiest material against your bare skin without having to overcome the feeling of hairs catching the fabric? Having smooth and shiny, well hydrated skin is the key to being runway ready. Every girly girl has her daily moisturizing routine and soon you will too.

The gentle suggestions in my subliminal, “Smooth” aims to guide you through habit forming mantras to remind you of the important things in life, such as always shaving off your ugly body hair in the shower, constantly applying lotion to your skin, and always covering your body in the most floral, feminine, perfumes that you can find. Become the velvety soft girly girl you’ve always wanted to be as you learn to hate the feeling of stubble. Become aware of the dry tightening of your skin and every crack in your lips. Skin care will be a necessary part of your day, starting off the mornings with a fresh, exfoliating shave and falling asleep with thick creams on your smooth girly face.

Gross body hair and dry skin is a thing of the past. Start listening today to embrace the baby soft smoothness of your new, glowing, feminine body.


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