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Hey everyone!

Welcome to the iron Age Hamlet! After doing research for the Motte and Bailey we started looking back further in time and found some great reconstructions of iron age settlements, very basic, mostly palisades and thatch and log buildings. We wanted to depict something of that simplicity, before the roads widen and straighten and the buildings beoming bigger. Maybe you can use it for trading, or help them repair their homes and prepare for the winter. :)


If you've been following along this month you'll have heard this before but...

Czepeku Scenes!

The top tier of Czepeku Scenes (which is the sister project to this battlemaps project) will be increasing in price from $5 tier to $10 at the end of the month. So if you're planning on signing up anyway, do so now and you'll be locked into the $5 price. :) That's a 50% lifetime discount.

We'll send out one final reminder before the change. Thank you to 2000+ patrons who've already signed up! Your support is much appreciated.


Get this week's maps using the links below:

Iron Age Hamlet - $1 Rewards 

Iron Age Hamlet - $3 Rewards 

Iron Age Hamlet - $5 Rewards (Gridded) 

Iron Age Hamlet - $5 Rewards (Gridless) 


This week's map variations:




Very nice! I think I might use one of these variations for a marsh area in my game. My players always love seeing your maps, so I try and fit them in as much as I can. Out of curiosity, have you guys ever thought of doing a druid grove? I ask because that's where my players are currently and I painfully realized that there really aren't many druid grove maps out there.


I think one of the variants of the Fey Tavern map might work well for a building inside a druid grove.

Leonardo Souza

Wow! This is exactly what I needed for my next session! Great battlemap

Josh Rodell

Oh hell yeah. Exceptional vibes. Despite not being able to resist the whacky stuff, I have an Anglo Saxon East Anglia style campaign in my heart and it makes me happy to see the vibe represented so well.