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Upcoming 'City Centre' Poll

  • Dwarf 558
  • Gnome 183
  • Warforged 538
  • Dragonborn 524
  • Aarakocra 167
  • Yuan-Ti 209
  • Halfling 159
  • Orc/Half-Orc 169
  • Tiefling 313
  • Fairy 228
  • Kobold 192
  • Kenku 115
  • Lizardfolk 158
  • Githyanki 128
  • Duergar 97
  • Tabaxi 194
  • Centaur 100
  • Leshy/Ent 106
  • Kuo-Toa 72
  • Goliath 207
  • Aasimar 168
  • Air Genasi 122
  • Earth Genasi 103
  • Fire Genasi 111
  • Water Genasi 127
  • 2023-06-21
  • —2023-06-28
  • 5048 votes
{'title': "Upcoming 'City Centre' Poll", 'choices': [{'text': 'Dwarf', 'votes': 558}, {'text': 'Gnome', 'votes': 183}, {'text': 'Warforged', 'votes': 538}, {'text': 'Dragonborn', 'votes': 524}, {'text': 'Aarakocra', 'votes': 167}, {'text': 'Yuan-Ti', 'votes': 209}, {'text': 'Halfling', 'votes': 159}, {'text': 'Orc/Half-Orc', 'votes': 169}, {'text': 'Tiefling', 'votes': 313}, {'text': 'Fairy', 'votes': 228}, {'text': 'Kobold', 'votes': 192}, {'text': 'Kenku', 'votes': 115}, {'text': 'Lizardfolk', 'votes': 158}, {'text': 'Githyanki', 'votes': 128}, {'text': 'Duergar', 'votes': 97}, {'text': 'Tabaxi', 'votes': 194}, {'text': 'Centaur', 'votes': 100}, {'text': 'Leshy/Ent', 'votes': 106}, {'text': 'Kuo-Toa', 'votes': 72}, {'text': 'Goliath', 'votes': 207}, {'text': 'Aasimar', 'votes': 168}, {'text': 'Air Genasi', 'votes': 122}, {'text': 'Earth Genasi', 'votes': 103}, {'text': 'Fire Genasi', 'votes': 111}, {'text': 'Water Genasi', 'votes': 127}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 28, 4, 54, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 21, 4, 51, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 5048}


Hey everyone!

Hopefully you've seen the recent Goblin City Centre and Elven City Centre map packs. We're planning on continuing that series, so we'd like to know which species you want us to cover the most.

Most of the list below are either official 5e/Pathfinder species or ones that Cze could remember off the top of his head. If you have suggestions for species not on this list, you can add it in the comments below. :)

Also if you have a specific idea or references for any of these, please join us on the Discord and tell us your idea. The more ideas you throw at us the better the map will become.

Edit: There seems to be a bug which isn't allowing multiple choice when on mobile. Sign into the desktop version if you want to make more votes. Sorry about this, i'll let Patreon know.



It says choose all that apply but only let's us select one?

Joe Tucker

Dwarves dwarves dwarves. I’d love some abandoned dwarven settlements for my upcoming Sol Uldar underdark arc.


Leonin not an option?


Dwarves definitely have some of the most striking and iconic homes, so definitely would like to see that visualized. After that, all the ones that would be environmentally unique and stand out to me. The genasi for elemental themed homes, Aaracokra and fairies for races that can naturally fly. Gith for an astral twist. Each of those races and settings would likely affect how their city planners design things. Also warforged because we never have enough warforged content on hand!


Omg centaur city would be so cute


Rock Gnome would be great!


I don't have much use for battle maps in most non-evil aligned settlements, much like monster manuals could save me a bunch of pages not publishing the stats for creatures my heroes are pretty much never going to fight, like gold dragons, angels, and flumphs (not because flumphs are good or neutral, but because they are dumb and waste pages in a very expensive book). I need mind flayers, cultists, and demons/devils a'plenty. I would prefer battle maps of places my characters are going to fight and explore, and lovely settlements aren't generally where that happens. Sure, a few are fine for "defend town" missions, but they aren't the bread and butter of my games.

That DAM Patron

I'm currently doing stuff in a warforged city so that's my vote lol


I could really use the Centaur one in my current game. 'Buildings built for horse bodies' maps were difficult to find when I was looking a while ago.

Unwated Arcana

DWARFS! ALL THE DWARFS! How about as an add on to the cavern of the venom queen / drow manor/ spider queen throne set a sort of "lower city" for the underclass that serves the drow overlords? Between those and a Kuo-Toa settlement, you've basically covered the entirety the classic modules: d1-2 Descent into the depths of the Earth, Vault of the Drow and Queen of the Demonweb Pits. Just a thought!


Dragonborn with a Kobold area would be awesome.


I've been running a 5e campaign for a few years now that has a major underwater component and it's been very difficult to find maps, so anything for Triton or Sea Elf cities for example would be amazing.


I love seeing the more exotic or "enemy" faction kinda city because as beautiful and interesting as seeing a nice halfling shire or Dwarven hold is. There tons of resources for them out there, and I really would like to see something that hasn't been done before and use in an even more unique experience for the games I run

Ryan Rogers

Rock Gnome with Underdark City variant for Svirfneblin!!! Blingdenstone FTW! There are VERY FEW detailed maps for this amazing location!


I don't think I've seen a Kua Toa city since the second Ed campaign Nights Below Additionally I've not seen much Dragonborne anything so that would be cool


Voting for Gith for high level planar / astral sea adventures - could be space elves or some other species too. Love your work!


Have you seen our 'Merfolk Merina' might be perfect for your campaign. Also at our Borough Bound project we did an underwater fey city. :)

Cray Wuwis

any creatures that have none standard movement wold be interesting, flight, climbing, etc. how would that effect how things are built/designed?

Author Oz

Kenku would be interesting, since they're birds and could be on vertical cliffs with levels instead of flat ground.


Grung village would be awesome too!


Just wanted to put the thought out that maybe the Genasi all have one blended city together, blending the elements in harmony


Faerie Dragons have great lore. My vote is for a Fairy, Faerie Dragons, and Homebrew Faerie Dragonborn.

Eliot Miller

I would love to see more love for Goliaths!!


Stuff towards the bottom does not see a lot of votes huh


Centaur city would be amazing, what would it look like. I know it’s never going to reach the top.




Hear me out everyone: Dwarves are too basic. Vote Dragonborn! (I need it for my campaign)


Warforged city would be neat!


Just to throw another option in... Firbolg would be awesome?


I’m on an iPhone. The mobile let me vote for multiple options. :)


I agree that a firbolg city would be super cool!


I would request Dwarven Mines, ancient, abandoned and or corrupted please.



King Abydos

I would request jotun/giant maps, cloud giant sky palaces, fire giant forges, frost giant villages etc